I had a conversation with a friend the other day that went September 2017 has become known as the "September to remember" to East Coast Surfers. We had an inkling that it was going to be good earlier in the summer but we had no idea.
All the hurricanes can came up through the Caribbean and turned up the East Coast provided us with so many amazing surfing days.
Here we are 2 months later and I am feeling wistful and nostalgic. Pull out my phone and start looking though my phone for pictures of the waves.
Scroll, scroll, scroll ... huh, nothing. Keep scrolling, scrolling ... sigh ... scrolling. Nothing. That's strange. I know I had my phone with me. Yet I have no pics of that time. Zero, zip, nada, никто (none in Russian).
Then it hit me. The reason I have no pictures is because I was enjoying myself.